Welcome to the InSAR Product Archive

InSAR Web Services Root URL: https://winsar.unavco.org

ServiceURL EndpointDescription
InSAR Product Map Seamless SAR Archive (SSARA) map interface
User's archived products/insar/mine List of your products archived (Login Required)


The InSAR Product Archive was created with the goal of improving data reproducibility and accessibility. The archive holds processed pairs of InSAR data as well as geocoded velocity maps and time series in .h5 format for easy download and interaction. The InSAR Product Map shows all of the uploaded data and what areas of the world each data set covers. Users that do upload products to the archive can check what they’ve uploaded on their WInSAR account page.

Data Format Specification

The InSAR archive is based on a standard HDF5 data format and provides storage, distribution, and sharing of research results within the geodesy community. The product format specification describes the use of HDF­EOS5 data model for data products in the UNAVCO community­contributed InSAR data archive. Information in this document includes:
  1. Definition of the datasets included in the data product
  2. Naming convention for the data product
  3. Required and recommended metadata included in the data product
  4. Layout of the data products with examples for interferogram, time series, and velocity map products
Example HDF5 converters for ISCE, and GMTSAR are provided on GitLab.

Uploading data products

Since all necessary metadata is read from the HDF5 file directly, the user only needs to upload the data product file. An upload form is provided on your archived products page (see link above).

Requesting DOIs for data products

Once the data products is uploaded, you can see all of your upload products HERE. On this page, you will see a table of your data products and which ones have a DOI. Clicking on a data product takes you to the product landing page, and below the map there will be a button.


Under the NASA Roses Access seamless SAR archive (SSARA) project (NNX12AF62A), a user-contributed InSAR archive for interferograms, time series, and other derived data products has been developed at UNAVCO. The hierarchical data format release 5 (HDF5) is the preferred format for InSAR data products because it provides a more robust set of features for storing data. HDF5 has been adopted by the Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF) and is also used in InSAR time series analysis software packages such as GIAnT from Caltech. When dealing with a single geocoded interferogram, netCDF or HDF5 work equally well for storing the data. With more complicated scenarios such as stacks of interferograms or distribution of both geocoded and radar geometry interferograms, the hierarchical data features of HDF5 become important, in particular the ability to create groups within a single HDF5 file. The standard HDF5 data products provide all the necessary datasets and relevant metadata in a single file for distribution. Support for reading and writing HDF5 is available in many programming languages (C/C++, Fortran, Python, Java), and Matlab versions 7.3 and higher use an HDF5-based format for their MAT-file storage, thus providing native reading and writing of HDF5 files.