20170403: isce-2.0.0_201704: revision 2256 General bug fixes. Highlights: -- Fixed typo bug in TopsProc/runVerifyDEM for the case that a dem exists but the corresponding 'vrt' file does not exist. This bug would only occur if there were a dem that had been created without a vrt file. -- Fixed bug in Orbit.py handling of combination of orbits -- Fixed bug in topo to correctly handle right-looking geometry -- Fixed C++ code (many .cpp and .h files) to eliminate many of the large number of warnings during compilation. New capabilities: ================= -- Added 2 stage unwrapping to topsApp -- GDAL integration in ISCE ImageAPI allows reading of any GDAL supported format. -- Added option to extract data directly from Sentinel1 tiff images to save disk space. -- Added virtual stitching of Sentinel1 swaths and frames to save disk space -- Restored shadow/layover mask computation with elevation angles -- Set default Tops posting to 90m to to make phase unwrapping tractable -- Enabled Ampcor and Offsets to work with virtual mosaics. -- Enabled sub-millisecond estimation of starting time of ALOS frames to fix bugs in frame stitching. -- Added geocoding for pixel offsets, dense offsets SNR image -- Added support for Terrain Corrected Products capabilities and initial development of an App for it. ============================================================================= Reminder of previous new capabilities and bug fixes: 1. topsApp related a. Can provide zip files / safe folders as inputs b. Bug fixes to support multi slice / region of interest processing c. Generation of traditional coherence products d. Output file names match insarApp – single resolution merged products have .full suffix e. Looks, filter strength, thresholds etc moved from topsproc level to topsapp level f. Changes to topsApp to use new Image API decorators g. Added support for Sentinel-1B 2. topsOffsetApp a. To be run in same folder as topsApp. b. Produces dense pixel offset maps from Sentinel data. 3. Stripmap processing related a. Stripped ALOS raw data of headers b. Fixed bug in stripmap frame stitcher when starting ranges were different 4. General changes a. Bug fixes to support near-nadir imaging geometries like SWOT b. Geocoding support for datatypes other than FLOAT / CFLOAT c. Updates to envisat reader to handle new ESA format d. Bug fix in water mask generation when input DEM doesn’t span the image. e. Bug fix in DemStitchers to enable dem.py to work again. =============================================================================== Previous note about compiling ISCE after unsuccessful build due to missing headers and libraries: When building ISCE, scons will check the list of header files and libraries that ISCE requires. Scons will cache the results of this dependency checking. So, if you try to build ISCE and scons tells you that you are missing headers or libraries, then you should remove the cached files before trying to build ISCE again after installing the missing headers and libraries. The cached files are config.log, .sconfig.dblite, and the files in directory .sconf_temp. You should run the following command while in the top directory of the ISCE source (the directory containing the SConstruct file): > rm -rf config.log .sconfig.dblite .sconf_temp and then try "scons install" again. =============================================================================== From past notes about automatic downloading of dems: 1. You need to have a user name and password from urs.earthdata.nasa.gov and you need to include LPDAAC applications to your account. a. If you don't already have an earthdata username and password, you can set them at https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/ b. If you already have an earthdata account, please ensure that you add LPDAAC applications to your account: - Login to earthdata here: https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/home - Click on my applications on the profile - Click on “Add More Applications” - Search for “LP DAAC” - Select “LP DAAC Data Pool” and “LP DAAC OpenDAP” and approve. 2. create a file named .netrc with the following 3 lines: machine urs.earthdata.nasa.gov login your_earthdata_login_name password your_earthdata_password 3. set permissions to prevent others from viewing your credentials: > chmod go-rwx .netrc =============================================================================== From past note on making stitched dems and water masks globally available: Stitched dems and water body masks will be stored in and used from a directory indicated by the environment variable, $DEMDB. If you define this environment variable with value equal to a path where you want to store stitched dems and waterbody masks, then any stitched dem or water mask will be globally available automatically without needing to specify any information about the dem in your input files for ISCE processing applications. If you use dem.py or watermask.py, the stitched products are left in the directory where you run these apps. If you want them to be globally available, then either run dem.py or watermask.py in the $DEMDB directory or else move them there. =================== End-Of-Release-Note ===================