===================== isce-2.2.0 ===================== -- General bug fixes -- Support for GDAL + c++11 starting from GDAL2.3 -- Added a --skipcheck option which will disable raw_input if optional dependencies like HDF5 are not found. This was a feature requested by folks dockerizing ISCE for use on cloud machines. -- Include option to specify VRT in gdal2isce_xml.py -- Added conversion scripts from stack output to stamps input -- Fixed renderVRT to not include geotransform or SRS when rendering for non-geocoded images. Currently only mechanism to distinguish radar / geocoded images is by looking at coord1 and coord2 members of Image class -- For Sentinel1, increased orbit extraction from 40 to 60 seconds -- Changed roiApp.py/roiProc to stripmapApp.py/stripmapProc Renamed examples/input_files/roiApp.xml to stripmapApp.xml -- Added more checks when reading in new format SLCs No guarantees that the reader works for all new variants -- For topsApp added option to use a different DEM for geocoding. If none is provided, defaults to the DEM used for processing topo. ------------------------------ * Updates related to topsApp: -- Bug fixes corresponding to valid sample computation in range -- Warning messages generated for data acquired during orbit maneuvers -- Option of using a different dem for geocoding via the property “geocode demfilename”. Suitable for data with large number of looks. User can use downsampleDEM.py to generate an appropriately downlooked DEM for use with geocoding. * Bug fix to VRT files. EPSG information is now not included for radar geometry files. * Updated version of pyCuAmpcor from Caltech with downstream search capability * Stripmap readers -- Sentinel-1 stripmap reader can read from zip files just like the TOPS reader -- Updates to Envisat SLC reader to support new format from ESA -- Updates to ICU unwrapper to output multiple connected components (used to be the one largest component earlier) -- Scons can now either be python2 / python3 based. -- ALOS2 ScanSAR reader (use VRTs and save disk space without replicating data). Not used by any app currently. --------------------------------- stripmapApp.py: * The roiApp.py in the previous release, has been renamed to “stripmapApp.py” for clarity. As the self-descriptive “stripmapApp.py” implies, this ISCE application can be used for interferometric processing of stripmap SAR data acquired by a wide range of sensors. Several bugs have been fixed compared to the previous release and the stripmapApp has been tested on different datasets (including ALOS-1 and ALOS-2 stripmap data, CSK, Sentinel-1 stripmap and Envisat data). * The ionospheric phase estimation have been significantly improved by enforcing common phase unwrapping error in the sub-band interferograms. *** There are additional README files in the contrib/stack directory --------------------------------- Stack processing with ISCE: We have added standalone scripts to contrib/stack folder, which allows advanced users to process a stack of SAR data using ISCE. These scripts are experimental and have been mainly developed for prototyping different algorithms (e.g., precise coregistration and ionospheric phase estimation). However, due to large interest of the InSAR community, we have decided to release this scripts as is. These scripts won’t be automatically included in your install directory after installing ISCE. However, you can easily use them based on the instructions found in contrib/stack/INSTALL.txt in your source ISCE directory. Note that there are two different stack processors for processing a stack of TOPS or stripmap data, found in “contrib/stack/topsStack” and “contrib/stack/stripmapStack” respectively. In the “contrib/stack/“ folder there are three text files: INSTALL.txt: explains how users should setup their $PATH variable to use the stack processor README_topsStack.txt: instructions for using the scripts in topsStack directory for processing a stack of Sentinel-1 TOPS data README_stripmapStack.txt: instructions for using the scripts in stripmapStack directory for processing a stack of stripmap data ---------------------------------