===================== isce-2.1.0 (20170803) ===================== NEW FEATURES. HIGHLIGHTS: -- Added ERS_EnviSAT_SLC reader. Contributed by Scott Henderson from the ISCE user community. Thank you, Scott! -- Change to minimum gcc requirement. Must be >= gcc4.7. Compilation of C/C++ code is using the "-std=c++11", which requires >= gcc4.7. See the README file for required versions of software dependencies." -- New RoiProc and roiApp.py workflow added. New code to estimate ionospheric contributions to phase is included in contrib/splitSpectrum and used in roiApp.py. -- The "steps" mode of processing has a new command line option: "--next". This option determines the next step for a given application based on the most recently updated file in the PICKLE folder, whether the files are pickle files or xml files; the setting for the property "renderer" determines which type of step file is used for determining the next step to be processed using --next (the default being pickle files). -- The "steps" mode now renders the xxxProc.xml (as in insarProc.xml) file after each step so that it is available to view/use after each step. It will be overwritten after each step completes. -- Added a new simplified water mask downloader, "wbd.py", and dem downloader, "demdb.py". The only required command line arguments are the "snwe" lat, lon coordinates. They create stitched watermask and dem files with xml and vrt meta data files. If you use the $DEMDB environment variable the files will be moved to the directory pointed to by $DEMDB and will be automatically discoverable by ISCE anywhere on your system. -- topsApp.py DEM downloading now downloads to the directory pointed to by your $DEMDB environment variable (like insarApp.py and isceApp.py do). If $DEMDB is not defined, then the files will be downloaded in the local processing directory. The dems and water masks in the $DEMDB directory are available for use in any directory automatically. If you want to move your prviously downloaded dems and water masks to the $DEMDB directory you will have to edit the paths in their xml files. -- This release includes some code elements that can run on a GPU requiring as dependencies the CUDA API and also an executable named 'cython3' to invoke cython. You may need to manually create a soft link with this name pointing to the name given to your installed cython. The code that require these new dependencies are in components/zerodop/GPUtopozero and GPUgeo2rdr directories. This code is not compiled and the CUDA and cython3 dependencies are not required unless you include the following line in your SConfigISCE file: ENABLE_CUDA=True If you do not include this line or if you set the value to False, then the code will compile as usual. This is experimental code at this time and is not used in the builtin Applications. More code using CUDA for GPUs will be coming in the future. -- Added 'useGPU' configuration parameter to topsApp.py to use the GPU code mentioned above in "New Features". You must also include the "ENABLE_CUDA=True" line in your SConfigISCE file in order to compile the CUDA code. -- Added "extra ESD cycles" parameter to topsApp.py to add extra ESD cycles to interpret overlap phase. GENERAL BUG FIXES. HIGHLIGHTS: -- replaced dependency on "cv2" with "scipy" in RoiProc/runDispersive.py -- fixed open file leaks in image file accessors and added more output to show methods being used to open and close files. ============================================================================= Reminder of previous new capabilities and bug fixes: 1. topsApp related a. Can provide zip files / safe folders as inputs b. Bug fixes to support multi slice / region of interest processing c. Generation of traditional coherence products d. Output file names match insarApp – single resolution merged products have .full suffix e. Looks, filter strength, thresholds etc moved from topsproc level to topsapp level f. Changes to topsApp to use new Image API decorators g. Added support for Sentinel-1B 2. topsOffsetApp a. To be run in same folder as topsApp. b. Produces dense pixel offset maps from Sentinel data. 3. Stripmap processing related a. Stripped ALOS raw data of headers b. Fixed bug in stripmap frame stitcher when starting ranges were different 4. General changes a. Bug fixes to support near-nadir imaging geometries like SWOT b. Geocoding support for datatypes other than FLOAT / CFLOAT c. Updates to envisat reader to handle new ESA format d. Bug fix in water mask generation when input DEM doesn’t span the image. e. Bug fix in DemStitchers to enable dem.py to work again. =============================================================================== Previous note about compiling ISCE after unsuccessful build due to missing headers and libraries: When building ISCE, scons will check the list of header files and libraries that ISCE requires. Scons will cache the results of this dependency checking. So, if you try to build ISCE and scons tells you that you are missing headers or libraries, then you should remove the cached files before trying to build ISCE again after installing the missing headers and libraries. The cached files are config.log, .sconfig.dblite, and the files in directory .sconf_temp. You should run the following command while in the top directory of the ISCE source (the directory containing the SConstruct file): > rm -rf config.log .sconfig.dblite .sconf_temp and then try "scons install" again. =============================================================================== From past notes about automatic downloading of dems: 1. You need to have a user name and password from urs.earthdata.nasa.gov and you need to include LPDAAC applications to your account. a. If you don't already have an earthdata username and password, you can set them at https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/ b. If you already have an earthdata account, please ensure that you add LPDAAC applications to your account: - Login to earthdata here: https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/home - Click on my applications on the profile - Click on “Add More Applications” - Search for “LP DAAC” - Select “LP DAAC Data Pool” and “LP DAAC OpenDAP” and approve. 2. create a file named .netrc with the following 3 lines: machine urs.earthdata.nasa.gov login your_earthdata_login_name password your_earthdata_password 3. set permissions to prevent others from viewing your credentials: > chmod go-rwx .netrc =============================================================================== From past note on making stitched dems and water masks globally available: Stitched dems and water body masks will be stored in and used from a directory indicated by the environment variable, $DEMDB. If you define this environment variable with value equal to a path where you want to store stitched dems and waterbody masks, then any stitched dem or water mask will be globally available automatically without needing to specify any information about the dem in your input files for ISCE processing applications. If you use dem.py or watermask.py, the stitched products are left in the directory where you run these apps. If you want them to be globally available, then either run dem.py or watermask.py in the $DEMDB directory or else move them there. =================== End-Of-Release-Note ===================